Design Process
When designing our products we use CATIA and SOLID WORKS. During the design phase we use simulation express, where we can introduce forces to perform stress analysis checks.
Our Design approach reduces both costs and project time which ultimately bring the product faster to market. For example, we can examine the effects of force applied to a component in a given condition. Simulation express simulates the effects of force and provides displacement and stress results. We can then strengthen or redesign unsafe parts or remove material from over-designed areas of the component.
Thermal Design
Using our custom thermal sizing software, we can design bespoke heat transfer solutions by simulating product performance.
Our software is based on NAR empirical test data interpreted as expressions of Nusselt-Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. This allows us to analyse a wide range of applications from vehicle cooling to electronic systems.
We can simulate the performance of a single cooler or examine the interactions of a complete cooling group.
A simulation test and optimisation strategy greatly assist vehicle manufacturers when they are designing new products and engine upgrades.